On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted his now famous 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenburg church in Germany. It was a list of problems that he had observed in the church at that time, which in his mind needed to be reformed. In the same spirit I offer these 25 theses in an effort to bring to light some of the problems of our own day. I do not compare myself with Dr. Luther, nor do I claim to be an authority in these areas, nor do I have any lofty ideas about sparking a world-wide reformation with this post. I am simply a follower of Jesus Christ, called by God to ministry, seeking to live a life that is worthy of the gospel. I desire primarily to accomplish 3 small things with this post. First, I wanted to establish a written form of my growing concerns for our churches. Second, I wish to encourage and challenge my brothers in the ministry to make every effort to live the biblical gospel before God. Third, I want to initiate discussion and friendly debate over these theses. Hopefully, some of you will take me up on my offer and some truth will come out of it to the glory of God. Let our consciences be "held captive to the word of God."*
* Famous Luther quote
1. Jesus Christ is thought of and preached in the church as a “semi-gay-hippie-peasant-in-a-dress”** who walks around the desert, sipping herbal tea, and looking to meet some nice people, and enjoy some good times making everyone feel good about themselves, while working for world peace.
This picture of Jesus must be done away with. The church must begin to preach the real Jesus, Jesus the Warrior-King, God eternal, Almighty creator, the vengeance-is-mine-saith-the-LORD, King of kings and Lord of lords Jesus who is reveald in Scripture.
** Stole this language from Mark Driscoll
2. Pulpits are filled with so-called “men of God” who are as God-centered as an episode of 7th Heaven, and as gospel saturated as a bag of potato chips, offering their people an unhealthy dose of spiritual self-help, and self-esteem theology.
Pastors must begin to preach the word; that’s “THE” word, not THEIR word. Pastors must begin to teach and preach in such a way so as to raise the affections of the people toward Christ, to the glory of God.
3. Churches are filled with Youth Ministers and Children's Ministers who resemble the baby sitter next door, rather than servants of the church who desire to help parents fulfill their responsibility to teach their children (and teenagers) the ways of God.
Churches must restructure their ministries in an effort to encourage and challenge husbands and fathers to take up their God-given role as the primary spiritual leader and teacher in his family, and to assist parents in cultivating in their children a passion for the glory of God.
4. Churches are governmentally structured like an American Democracy promoting the ideas of enlightenment philosophers, rather than like the body of Christ which should be governed by God-called men who possess the proper gifts of the Spirit.
Churches must seek to be biblical in structuring their governments. They must be governed by biblically qualified elders who are following the leadership of the Holy Spirit in submission to and in conjunction with each other, rather than giving controlling power to the people in the pews who may or may not even be truly regenerate.
5. Churches are ruled by elders who do not meet biblical qualifications for elders.
Churches must be intentional about singling out God-gifted, qualified men to serve the church as elders, who are qualified in accordance with the scriptures.
6. Churches are filled with pastors who live lifestyles more consistent with the CEO of Microsoft Corporation than the lifestyle of a suffering servant and good soldier of Jesus Christ.
Men of God must seek to live moderate lifestyles, choosing rather to "suffer" with the people of God, than to enjoy the comforts and leisurely distractions of this world. Pastors and elders must give themselves fully and wholeheartedly to the ministry of the word of God and prayer, proving themselves "worthy of their wages." Furthermore, churches must insist on pastors and elders keeping their lifestyles in check, in accordance with the example of Christ.
7. Regarding worship, churches follow the two extremes of, on the one hand stubbornly refusing to modernize music and songs for congregational worship, and on the other hand rejecting older hymns and traditional forms of worship which have enjoyed great significance in the life of the historical church.
Churches must seek foremost to glorify God in worship, communicating the truths of the gospel and the greatness of God in song in such a way that the people understand and are challenged and encouraged and built up. Churches must seek men and women who are passionate about the supremacy of God in worship, and who are well versed in the music and methods of worship.
8. Churches are theologically illiterate, having no concept of the great truths of Scripture whereby we are brought into a deeper understanding and knowledge of God through the Spirit.
Churches must hold to, and study and teach sound doctrine, in keeping with the orthodox creeds of Christendom, which were handed down from the apostles and prophets of the first church, and preserved in accordance with what the scriptures reveal about God, the nature of mankind, and the practice of the church.
9. Churches who are theological in nature can be more concerned with promoting a certain theological system, or their favorite pet doctrines than they are about preaching the gospel to all nations.
Churches must get over their favorite theological acronym and seek to preach and teach from a purely biblical perspective and hermeneutic, not getting caught up in trying to win the world to their way of thinking on peripheral issues.
10. Churches no longer practice proper discipline of its members, and encouragement toward holy living.
Churches must begin to establish biblical standards for church membership, disciplining those who lives inconsistently with the narrow way.
11. Salvation in the church has become a mere recitation of the proper words and phrases (the sinner's prayer), in conjunction with "going down" the isle.
Preacher's must insist that there be repentance and faith in a would-be convert's heart before he/she is admitted into church membership. Church membership must be REGENERATE church membership, with converts showing forth fruit that is in accordance with repentance. Furthermore, the churches evangelical proclamation must be scriptural in nature, not making room for wrong motivations on the part of the respondent, and being careful not to give false assurance to converts.
12. Some Churches, on the other hand, have become so afraid of giving false hope to unregenerate candidates that they fail to properly exhort people to repentance and faith and good works.
Churches must proclaim the responsibility of every person to repent before God, and to live for his glory, showing and helping converts to see how this is done in dependence on the Holy Spirit.
13. Churches have become exclusivistic in nature, refusing to intentionally seek fellowship with sister churches, which could greatly benefit all parties involved.
Churches must seek to fellowship with other like-minded churches as much as possible in order to foster a biblical feeling of Kingdom reality.
14. Pastors and elders refuse to train and mentor younger men who feel called to vocational ministry.
These pastors must be intentional about seeking out such God-called men, training and discipling them, mentoring them in the ways of gospel ministry, helping them with education costs, and sending them out with the support (both prayerful and financial) of the local body of Christ.
15. Churches disregard the Lord's Supper, neglecting to observe it on a regular basis.
Churches must observe the ordinance of communion often, perhaps every time they gather for worship thereby "proclaiming the Lord's death until he comes." There is no greater portrayal of the death of Christ than the constant reminder of the Lord's supper.
16. Churches have reduced the meaning of the Lord's Supper to a mere symbol which can be observed just every-so-often (once a quarter for most, some less).
Churches must reevaluate the scriptural significance of this holy rite as an actual participation in the body and blood of the Lord, and a means of grace and spiritual food that cannot be done without.
17. Churches have weakened the meaning of Baptism in the minds and hearts of the people by allowing "converts" to participate in the church without being immediately baptized in profession of their faith in Christ.
Churches must insist that all converts submit to baptism immediately, under the proper counsel teaching, as part of their confession of faith and repentance, in obedience to Christ. Baptism must be viewed, not as a mere picture of what has happened to a convert, but as a means of grace whereby the convert makes his/her "pledge to God for a clean conscience," and makes his/her public profession of the name of Jesus Christ to the glory of God the Father.
18. Churches have relaxed their standards for holy living under the banner of "once saved, always saved," thereby unintentionally excusing members to lives lawlessly.
Churches must insist that members live holy lives in reverential fear of God, "examining" and "testing" themselves to see if they are "in the faith," living lives that are "worthy of the gospel of Christ," and pursuing the "holiness without which no one will see the Lord." Churched must teach and preach the doctrine of perseverance, being certain that only "those who persevere to the end will be saved."
19. Churches have ceased to provide for the physical needs of its members, as well as neglecting ministries of mercy to the poor.
Churches must be intentional about seeking out needs within the congregations and distributing resources in such a manner that no one remains in need. Some churches would rather spend money helping homeless people before they would spend it helping out its own members. At the same time, churches must reach out to the poor and downcast of society, helping to show God's mercy in relieving some of their stresses (hunger, thirst, clothes, companionship, etc.), realizing that to such is given the kingdom of God.
20. Churches have wasted money that could be used for the furtherance of the gospel in unreached groups around the world on gaudy buildings with bad acoustics, and jungle gym playgrounds for unruly kids.
Churches must give tirelessly, of the money and their time, to the work of missions around the globe, evaluating budgetary items such as large building programs in the light of the what will serve best for the missionary enterprise.
21. Men in the church no longer act as men. Godly male leadership has given place to that kind emasculated manhood whereby men are satisfied to allow anyone else to run things so long as they get to go fishing or golfing once a week. The result is that younger men have no role models in the church.
Pastors must teach and preach what biblical manhood looks like, challenging men to live lives of purity and holiness, and to be godly, spiritual leaders in the home and in the community. Men must take up their responsibility in the home to lead in all areas, training their children for service in the kingdom of God.
22. Women in the church have rejected their biblical roles as godly mothers, submissive wives, and humble servants of Christ and his church. Biblical womanhood has given place to attitudes and practices which are not fitting for women of God.
Men must lead spiritually in the home, caring for and loving their wives the way Christ loves the church, seeking their sanctification by the Word in an effort to enjoy being co-heirs of the kingdom of God in Christ. Likewise, women must submit to their husbands (or to parents and/or elders if not married) out of reverence for Christ, working to assist their husbands in his God-called role.
23. Pastors and elders have failed to lead the charge in local evangelism.
Pastors must lead congregations, both from the pulpit and from the community in reaching out to lost people, declaring the glory of Christ in the gospel and calling people to repentance and faith.
24. Regarding cultural relevance churches have fallen into one of two extremes. On the one hand, being so culturally irrelevant that they ensure that no one outside the church comes there to seek the gospel of Christ, and on the other hand, so culturally relevant that they forget the gospel altogether.
Churches must seek to be relevant to its surrounding culture, ministering to it in fear of Christ, and communicating the gospel in language that they understand.
25. Churches have rejected the use of miraculous spiritual gifts, thinking rather that things such as abstinence from alcohol makes one godly and provides the proper witness to the world.
Churches must seek to practice all spiritual gifts in an orderly, thoroughly biblical manner, relying on the Spirit's power and authority to work in the hearts and lives of people as he sees fit. Churches must not continue to quench the Spirit in this manner, but must seek his will, and all expressions of it. Churches must be faithful in prayer and laying on of hands for sick people, believing that the Holy Spirit still heals. Churches must not think that outward expressions of abstinence from such things as alcohol, tobacco, and/or movies will replace the ministry of the Holy Spirit, who works miraculously in the lives of people, testifying of the greatness of the mercy and grace of our Lord.
Churches must, in everything they do, seek to "spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things, for the joy of all peoples."*** Churches must seek to be intently biblical in all areas of worship, practice, government, family life, ministry, missions and theology.They must worship God faithfully, think and preach about him biblically, and be as committed to His name and His renown as he himself is through Jesus Christ. Primary and foremost in the thinking and in the life and labor of the church must be the ever-glorious, fearful and majestic, joy giving truth of the glory of God.
*** Stole this language from John Piper
Let the Reformation begin! :)
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