Thursday, August 30, 2007

Meditations On The Cross :: A Cheesy Hymn I Had To Write At Seminary

Meditations on the Cross

The glorious cross so dim and so black

Through all its pain nothing do I lack

An eternal place in heaven reserved

Purchased with blood so undeserved

Christ’s redeeming blood so undeserved

All that I was all that God hates

His awesome wrath did Christ propitiate

God’s justice satisfied in Christ’s sacrifice

The Lamb of God died for my eternal life

The Lamb of God died for our eternal life

Enemies of God and children of wrath

Idolatrous lives wasted on the wrong path

Reconciliation between God and men

Christ is victor over death and sin

Walk now in victory over death and sin

Jesus our savior pours out perfect love

Holy and pure from heaven above

Mercy toward sinners is ours now to claim

Atonement was made when Christ took the blame

Atonement was made when Christ took our blame

To bring us to God

He suffered and died

His righteous blood

For my unrighteous life

His righteous blood for our unrighteous life

(c) 2006 by Christopher N. Gates

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